In his Youth
Joseph (yossi) Gino was born in Migdal in 1947, as a third generation of warriors. On the southern slopes of the black mountain in front of the magnificent view of the Ginosar Valley, the Arbel Mountain and the Sea of Galilee. Joseph as a child joined the youth movement. His Childhood was happy and charming in a farming village, surrounded by nature, mountains, animals and the Sea of Galilee. A normal childhood: of kindergarten, elementary school at Migdal and then high school in Tiberias. Home of farmers during the day and fishermen at nights. He spent most of his free time with his father Pinchas out in the fields and in nature with horses, donkeys and sheep. At times Joseph would join his father fishing in the Kinneret. School was combined with farm work. He loved playing football with his mates in Migdal, and many hikes to the Wadis and the Arbel cliff. Joseph admired Arik Einstein and Esther Ofarim, loved horse riding and water skiing. His Bar Mitzvah reading of the Torah was at the local synagogue followed by a reception at his parents' home. The house where he lived with his wife and daughters for the past 16 years. He met his wife Esther at his Aunt Mazalin in Haifa, on Memorial Day, whilst delivering a box loquat from the farm. The wedding took place in a synagogue in Haifa.